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You call me a mountain
And I call you the sea
I'll stand tall and certain
And watch you swallow me

You can move me if you want to
You can move a mountain, you can move a mountain
You can move me if you want to
You can move everything, you can move everything

I will grow my own trees
While you follow the moon
I feel you in my knees
Say you'll come in soon

You can move me if you want to
You can move a mountain, you can move a mountain
You can move me if you want to
You can move everything, you can move everything

But then one day you'll go away, but I will too
But until then, oh my darling friend, well I will hold
Yes I will hold, yes I will hold
Yes I will hold on to you

You can move me if you want to
You can move a mountain, you can move a mountain
You can move me if you want to
You can move everything, you can move everything

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