JET LYRICS | Holiday

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Got this notion from another man
Put this dead fish in my hand
Paperweight baby it's my name
I hold you down coz your all the same to me
That's right

Say whatever you want baby, I'm your man
And I can help you yes I can
Paperweight baby it's my name
I can't relate coz your all the same to me
That's right

Makes no difference what they say
We're goin' on holiday
Jumped my boat off the coast at Biscay
We're goin' on holiday

Been up all night and I sleep all day
Why oh why do I live this way
Hey pretty girl sit next to me
Coz I'm a ten foot diamond Christmas tree

Makes no difference what they say
We're goin' on holiday
Hold my calls just get me on the front page
We're goin' on holiday

Makes no difference what they say
We're goin' on holiday
Jumped my boat off the coast at Biscay
We're goin' on holiday

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